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A Closer Look into Another Masterpiece by Bernini: The David Sculpture

W elcome, everyone! Now, if you’re someone like us, someone who enjoys history and art, and exploring one of the most fascinating works of art - you’re in the right place. Let us introduce you to Gian Lorenzo Bernini, he created the fascinating sculpture - The David. From its expressive poses up until the most intricate details, we’re here to explore the elements that make this sculpture so incredibly remarkable, one so glorious. (fig a, Bernini's David) Bernini’s David takes the form of David in his youth aiming his slingshot that would incapacitate the giant, Goliath. Bernini sculpted the Baroque masterpiece with marble and bronze. Bernini depicted David as a man with an athletic build like that of a soldier but unlike Michelangelo’s David, his body is not the most emphasized part of the sculpture but rather it is the tension the figure holds, the various emotions David’s expression shows, and the story that the sculpture tells us not just literally but also that of the Christian...

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